Biolcati: Lamentable speech. The speech of the leader of the Rural society has been regrettable. He began by saying that a hundred years later, we are still working with the same passion and fell short because the middle ages term for more than five hundred. He added that nobody can say that we’ve stayed quiet or silent we did hear the voice of the field, and is true, unless the owners of the field have said enough, those who have not spoken are those who work in the field, as they have never done so. But Volcati forgets that he can talk because we are in a Republic, in a democracy, and although the sector it represents had the luck of being able to talk while he ruled Videla or his successors, others could do it.
Some remained silent, others were, but many were killed against the indifference of those who are now raised as Republicans and fill the mouth saying that the link table is a symbol of resistance, of that resistance, as can be seen that that man does not know what is resistance. He argues that no differences there are with its allies, that opinion is one single, unanimous and resounding said, when reality, as we all know is different. It is certain his opinion about that we are a country beaten by corruption and poverty, but is no less true, to come up here many collaborated, and the minority that he represents, has been no exception. Then I add a phrase so made, how old and boring, to qualify to the Argentina as a nation immensely rich but full of poor, but as spokesman for a powerful sector does not offer even a single idea, only adds that lack meat and that the last year there was a bad harvest because of the policy. Do it cannot be denied that in 1910 our country occupied eighth place in the concert of Nations, but that cost? The Argentina of the centenary was only thirty years real.