With little effort and costs, a fast, individual, fun, and dialog supporting online game is so e.g. for the Bank branch on site or the local Exchange Club. Ideal for banks and financial service providers: In times of financial crisis with fast, transparent stock market game with new customers coming and existing customers stay in touch with straight during the turbulent times of the financial crisis and financial firms must do all the associated massive loss of confidence in the banks to win back the trust of our customers through an open dialogue. While banks offer their customers for years of stock market games, but these are usually dull, lengthy and complex for the participants. Businesses are also very expensive”these stock market games in terms of development costs, explains Karenga. The Fidor Board knows the profession he sooner was the CEO of DAB bank. In the current situation, the banks must however attract as many customers through highly attractive, achievable in the short term actions and convince.
The white label ability of Brokr.de Depotcontest is therefore recommended for banks, financial platforms and websites of business newspapers a unique opportunity, without offering any significant investments a private stock market game. Interested parties get a first impression of the possibilities offered by Brokr.de with the newly developed, white label ready stock market game and Depotcontest at depotcontest/0. About Brokr.de and FIDOR AG: The free stock market game community Brokr.de (www.brokr.de) is an offer of the Munich-based Fidor AG (www.fidor.de). Brokr.de Act the free registered members with virtual money, win but real money and cash prizes. The basic idea of Brokr.de is more than former based on the decades of experience of capital market the Fidor Board of Directors, of which Bank Board members often accused heard the topic of stock exchange and investment be boring and dull. Brokr.de is committed to the goal, to bring the exciting topic of Exchange with playful items every Internet user. “The Munich-based Fidor AG is a fast-growing sales in the retail financial services market, and operates more innovative financial portals, for example the world’s first personal finance community brokr.de together more money” (www.gemege.de)