American The New York Times

In this regard recalls that several international media, including the American The New York Times, have paid attention to the intentions of Endesa and Colbun, as in April 2008 when it published an editorial expressing that dams would irretrievably damage one of the most wild and beautiful land and adding that most of the electricity generated would not go to residential use, but to mining and industry. And although medium realized that the country needs desperately new energy sources their vision is the alternative would not destroy these basins, arguing that the construction of large hydroelectric dams is an ancient form of obtaining power and concluding that the Government – to these heights of Sebastian Pinera – would do well to reconsider these shortsighted plans, as well as the international owners of the rights of water from these rivers. Consequently the Centre for human rights of the University Diego Portales expressed that the presentation of these cases puts on the table aspects of participation that the existing institutional framework has not been capable of dealing in appropriate terms. The evidence indicates that the use of incentives during evaluation processes, as well as citizen participation organized and globalized in the same context, constitute facts that authority should not overlook the fact to designing plans, programs and environmental regulations, since one way or another they have an impact on the quality of decision-making processes and final decisions. Original author and source of the article.