To get such information, the solicitant must contact one of our ranks of atendimento.' ' Already the site of company TIM specifies in the following way the procedures in relation to the accompaniment them demands: Resolution of Requests/Demands – When requesting information, these must be supplied immediately. Its claims must inside be decided of the maximum stated period of five working days, to count of the register. You will be informed on the resolution of its demand and, whenever to request, the pertinent evidence for correspondence or half electronic will be sent it, as to prefer. When the demand to deal with not requested service or improper collection, collection will be suspended immediately, except when it will be indicated by the TIM, the instrument for which the service was contracted and to prove that the value effectively must. The regulation (DL 6,523) defines the obligatoriness of the maintenance of the writings of the calls during the period of ninety days. This is a form to guarantee the original version of the attendance not leaving that possible distortions can generate damages for any of the involved parts. 7? CANCELLATION ORDER Some Central offices of Attendance have specific professionals for retention of its customers in determined product, as example the credit cards. This type of cancellation request became a complicated day.
However, in Decree 6,523, it is explicitado thus: Art. 18 2. The effect of the cancellation will be immediate to the request of the consumer, despite its processing technician needs stated period, and independe of its contractual payment. It is alarming to verify the how much certainties companies still are far from following the regulation and as the loss or migration of customers for competition results in financial damages. Moreover, cause also the curse of the company to have an institucional image fragilizada by me the quality in the attendance. CONCLUSION the study for the accomplishment of this work supplied some important historical data the final consideraes on the subject, that are the following ones: In 1962, a fact happened in U.S.A.