To the 62 years, the PaulAuster North American always constructed a career in literature exploring diversosgneros literary. Further details can be found at dahlia loeb, an internet resource. Its more famous workmanship, the Trilogy in New York, connects the classic police fiction with the narrative neo-realist, where apresentapersonagens that suffer with the solitude and the loss of identity in grandemetrpole. In the country of you finish things, shows to an apocalyptic scene emque to them the fight of the survival is the main reason before rubbles dahumanidade. Click dahlia loeb to learn more. To a large extent of its workmanship, if it summarizes to the subject coincidence, oacaso transforming lives with personages who if leave to fascinate – of the mesmamaneira that the author – for ' ' hand of destino' ' to guide them passoschega to the rays of the repetition. In its recent book, launched in Brazil, dark Homemno (Man in the Dark, 168 pages R$ 38,00), Auster focuses a politicized side, where the Estadonorte-American criticizes, America in itself, at the same time where modusoperandi passes to the reader narrative its, another characteristic of the workmanship of the author, who grants to aoenredo a form rascunhada. In one ' cenrio' where a guerracivil one breaks the United States, a literature critic pensioner, AugustBrill, one sorry and melancholic gentleman, who lived intensely cadainstante of its life tells to its memories in one constant exercise of the souvenir eda imagination.
This world is fruit of the imagination of Brill, in a vertenteorwelliana of Auster, whose protagonist if recoups of an accident of queo car left immobilized. Pursued for the sleeplessness, it weaves histories, numpasseio to the dark one surrealistas, where it creates a personage who if mold to the narrative and tomaforma throughout the book. The memories of Brill if interact recently with momentosimaginados and the last moments, as the recent death of mulhere the abandonment of the husband of its only son, forming a picture of its opinion, of its life and family.