French Forms

The history or the reading of the time. Belo Horizonte: Authentic Publishing company, 2009. ‘ ‘ History is a glad, full car of a contented people Who runs over indifferent that one all denies that it. It is a train scratching out tracks, opening new spaces Waving many arms, balancing ours filhos’ ‘ (Chico Buarque/Pablo Milans) In its workmanship the history or the reading of the time, Authentic, 2009, Roger Chartier, Pope of New Cultural History, discourses concerning the historiogrfica production and the problems that perpassam the writing of history. The rhetorical form and narrative of history concomitantly go being shown with its place of production? before the monasteries and palaces, today the university academies – and also its forms of spreading? editorial and through the Internet.

The forms are cited to inside produce history and its divisions between diverse historiogrficas chains beyond its temporalities and forms of writing shared with the fiction or of its arcabouo conceptual scientific. It has also the competition with the scenic arts and literature in the art to reconstruct the facts with probability. Roger Chartier, French of Lyon, researcher and university professor are managing of research of the School of High Studies in Social Sciences and also member of the Center of European Studies of the Harvard University, in the United States. The history or the reading of the time is its tenth workmanship published in Brazil, country that Le visited for some times and where one of the French intellectuals is considered more influential contemporaries between the students of social sciences. Its practical book cultural history between and representations, published in Brazil in 1988, helped to create a new concept for the research in cultural history: the concept of ‘ ‘ representations and prticas’ ‘. In its first chapter, history, between story and knowledge, Chartier cites historians as Paul Veyne, Michel de Certeau, Hayden White, Carlo Ginzburg among others to speak concerning the forms of narrative rhetoric of history.