Garbage Collection In Moscow

Every organism, be it man, animal, insect or plant in your life affects the environment. Product of plant life is oxygen, the bees produce honey, a man is in the process of its household waste is collected and is growing annually. Construction of new landfills, and significantly expand existing ones. During the Soviet era garbage removal and disposal of waste involved in city government, but in Garbage disposal – a lucrative business, respectively, market services for garbage collection has stiff competition. To date, only in Moscow is engaged in export of rubbish over a hundred companies, and that's not counting private traders and small firms, which are taken only debris and are not licensed for waste disposal and waste hazard class IV. One of the major companies for garbage collection in Moscow is the company "Lawrence." OOO "Lawrence" provides services for garbage collection, municipal solid waste (MSW) and industrial waste since 1998, and has all permits and licenses regulations. The company operates a large fleet of vehicles specialized equipment. All garbage trucks are crossing the center, which largely enables services for garbage collection at the highest level. Over the years the company, its customers in dozens of