Germany System

Slab insulation glued to the wall from the bottom up with ligation of the joints: the displacement of seams horizontally, jagged wound dressings on the corners of the building. Edge insulation reinforced with special corner profiles. Mounting heater to the wall by dowels. On the surface of insulation applied adhesive solution, reinforcing the stack and decorative finishing. Due to the high vapor permeability of the outer protective and decorative layer accumulated in the array of heater condensing moisture easily evaporates out. Russian builders are well known to the system 'wet' type of German firms texcolor, heck, alsecco, ispo. In Germany, these systems are classified according to fire: Class A1 – non-flammable, which uses mineral materials without polymer components that meet the most stringent requirements for fire safety class A2 – non-flammable, which uses mineral materials with polymer additives. For example, in the insulation system texcolor wdvs A2 apply mineral adhesive solution 'OK 1000' to bond insulation, mineral reinforcing filler 'OK 2000' for reinforcement, lightweight mineral plaster rsl for finishing protective and decorative layer, consisting of containing 4% polymer component.

Its presence provides a system A2 advantage in strength, elasticity and durability to the system A1. The service life of the system, according to the technical certificate State Construction Committee of Russia, at least 30 years. As a heater in the systems A1 and A2 apply mineral wool. For example, the system texcolor wdvs A2 comes with plates, Rockwool (Denmark) brand Fasade Siab or slabs Paroc (Finland) brand RAL4, RAL5. According to the fire resistance of these systems are designed for all levels of fire resistance of buildings.