On the 09.11.2012, the young hamburger designer Lotta Meyer refers to its showroom at the Peppercorn tree. Under the name NUSUM she designed fashion for women. COURAGE and motion are the central theme of the first NUMINOUS collection NUSUM – now I.”. The clothes are room and stop the wearer to move freely to brave experience everyday with strength and power. The collection developed Lotta Meyer in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires, the colors of the city reflected in her designs.
Lotta Meyer believes that the idealization of the body in the fashion world often leads to a distance from the needs of the wearer. Their first collection has therefore developed Lotta Meyer not on paper, but directly on the body of different women. The subtle combination of tailoring and high-quality materials creates harmonious proportions and highlights the beauty of female figures. The 27-year old graduate of AMD worked for Strenesse, learned the production of historical corsets in Paris and designed Evening dresses for the New York designer Linda C. Meisner. Draft resulting from the perception of the environment in proportions, movements and colors lotta Meyers.
Her fine sense of the beautiful and at the same time-stopped”are documented in a sketch book filled with drawings, pieces of cloth and outlined details. Unconsciously developed a red thread, the idea for a new collection. Storm and chaos soft peace and strength. NUSUM translates: I am now. Right at this moment. Lottas Meyers began to stack designs on her desk, came Lottas sister Liesbeth Meyer in the game. Liesbeth Meyer is the operational part of the company NUSUM. It is a good negotiator, well-versed in dealing with numbers and putting in the action so the ideas of her sister. The common, structured approach differentiates clearly is from small designers, at the edge of capacity than one man show in the own shop sew. The two sisters are a good team, have a clear understanding of the process through their professional experience and have about a Network of strong partners that assist them in the renationalisation of their collection.