Hence Cell

The famous phrase of Hippocrates (Greek physician of the fifth century BC and father of modern medicine): your food be your medicine could be considered the founding motto of medicine orthomolecular. Science has come a long way since the days of Hippocrates, but its maximum is still in effect: we are what we eat. It is a proven fact that diseases are generated at the cellular level. A lack of energy in the cell, minimum entity with its own life, alters the functioning of the body and is at the origin of all diseases. Hence the vital importance that we properly nourish our cells. There are different types of cells, and all have a specialized and irreplaceable role. Cell, in turn, is like a small town, divided into different parts, each one of which with a central purpose:-the nucleus exerts control and ordering tasks, is the brain of the cell.

-membrane covers and protects the cell. -the mitochondria produce energy. -Gorgi apparatus is a factory dedicated to the production of enzymes, hormones and other essential substances for the proper functioning of the cell. Vitamins and micro-nutrients provide the energy they need the cells. It is sufficient to maintain a healthy and balanced diet to achieve the optimal functioning of our cells and thus prevent disease? According to molecular biologist and researcher doctor Linus Pauling, double Nobel laureate (chemistry, 1954 and peace in 1962) and great supporter of the supplemental use of vitamin C, the answer is no. Currently the food we eat have a deficit of micronutrients, this is due to multiple causes: impoverished farmland: the abandonment of the fallow or crop by leaves, together with the intensive exploitation of crop fields produce a gradual impoverishment of the soils. This inadequacy of nutrients moves to foods, lacking the substrates needed to develop optimally inadequate ways of cooking them: overcooking, fried foods, the heat in general an average of 56% reduces the nutrients from food.