Ahead of this affirmation of Magalhes (2001), we perceive in Toada of Forgotten (2006), that this ficcional universe, beyond being town for these elements, arises a hypothesis of that the personage El Diablo, who controls its friends of the beginning to the end of the narrative, therefore it and its accomplices had stolen one definitive one gold in it I pan the Forgotten one and sail in circle it compels and them to use masks: Nobody can take off the masks before arriving the safe port: that night was the cursed combination between us: who to take off, dies. They will be wild or still it is Carnival? It is the law of the Dog. (TOADA OF the FORGOTTEN one, p.13). This ' ' ditadura' ' commanded for El Diablo, it serves us of metaphor, that is, sends to us all to it the domination perpetuated or for the rich countries or in the opposition between hinterland and the coast, characteristics of the dickeanas workmanships, estimated that they demarcate developed and the underdeveloped, thematic boarded in such a way for R.G. Dicke as for the writers of Latin America. This takes in to try to understand them the reason of this aesthetic proximity, Barbosa (2009, p.160) raises the following hypothesis: Its literature also syntonizes with diverse Latin American manifestations, as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Juan Rulfo, Alejo Carpentier, in the direction of that it has an option in the narrative for the culture of the kept out of society one, for what more significantly it represents the culture and the Latin American feeling, for the form to lead the narrative, etc. But in such a way the position of Ricardo Guillermo Dicke as of the writers of Latin America already they had been questioned, one of the cases of excellent importance is of student Jorje Rojas in a round table in the University Catholic of Valparaiso in Chile (1971), when this questioned the Latin American writers, who were in this meeting, on the commitment of each one with its social context, affirming the young student, who Cortzar could not be considered a writer Hispanic-American, therefore first he did not live in its native country, Argentina, second, what it writes does not argue the social problems of its native mother, then, its literature has not felt. .
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