Leibniz Principle

A marcante characteristic of the kantiana philosophy is its ' ' long gestao' '. It does not write an unfounded item or without before thinking very on this, beyond what, each work written of it is based in firm philosophical bases. The moral problem never was indifferent, and since its first workmanships it perceives traces of an attempt of interpretation of the Moral, but the solution only presented to it correct to the sixty years of age (Paschal, 2005). Its starting point for the moral analysis meets in the works of Leibniz, teses these defended in 1755 (' ' New briefing of the first principles metafsicos' ') in 1759 (' ' Assays of some consideraes on otimismo' '), second Paschal (2005). From 1760, it is initiated influence of English moralistas (Shaftesbury, Hume) and of Rousseau, Kant starts to carry through transformations in some concepts of the Leibniziana moral (obligation and perfection). This evolution of concepts can be perceived in ' ' The only one possible bedding for a demonstration of the existence of Deus' ' (1763), in ' ' Study on the evidence of the principles of the natural theology and moral' ' (1764), as well as in ' ' Comments on the feeling of the beauty and sublime' ' (1764).

When publishing ' ' Beddings of the metaphysics of costumes' ' (1785), Kant has left of the judgments of the common conscience, searching the principle rational bases that them. in 1788 publishes ' ' Critical of the reason prtica' ' , that it has the objective to display the morality, leaving of the practical function of the reason. The Recital of the metaphysics of the customs has for object the research and the determination of the supreme principle of the morality. It constitutes a preliminary workmanship to the Critical one of the practical reason, since this will only be able to initiate a priori science of the behavior (Paschal, 2005).