Music Festivals

The weekend from the 15 to the 17 of July arrives loaded from festivaleras proposals, some of gratuitous them. Pirineros Sur and Etnosur command the supply by roots. The FIB will attract the lovers of independent music. It consults the agenda of the festivales of 2011 music. The weekend that comes near is one of most musical of the year. Besides the popular Festival of Benicssim (FIB), that will reunite to the lovers of the MGP independent rock and to a legion of British eager to alternate the beach and the sun with the concerts of its favorite groups around Castelln, other five proposals for tastes very varied exist.

Rock, commercial music, sounds by roots or MGP offer heavy. Some of them are free. FIB, famous and select What to say more of the most well-known appointment of the peninsula and praised outside our borders (the past month of May a study realised by Havas & Entertainment located to him between the ten better musical festivales of Europe). The FIB turns 17 years without showing scars by the relatively recent change of hands of the direction and the loss of one of its main sponsorships. After the little bright program of 2010, the of Castellon de la Plana one returns to remove brightness to its scenes and will count, from this Thursday and to Sunday, with an establishment of artists of first. The activities of Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, The Streets, Primal Scream, Astrud, The Stranglers or Portishead justify very well the attendance to the great levantino event. The high prices of the installments (from 160 Euros) have not dissuaded to fibers to would approach already by the environs of the enclosure in mass. More information on the FIB in its official page. Music disgust Festival, commercial and without complexes Why the more famous events of MGP must take adhered the label of ‘ indie’ in its credentials? Arranged to vindicate that the music that sounds in radiofrmulas does not have why to be of low quality, the Music Disgust Festival (Tarragona) offers two days -15 and 16 of July of activities of artists like Mal, Melendi, M-Clan, the Squid, the Short Guard, M-Clan or Celtas.