New York

Therefore, one of the first obstacles of these families is to make right the diagnosis. Many times cover true maratonas in psychologists, psychiatrists and neurologists who arrive to confuse the syndrome with hiperatividade or deficit of attention, therefore ' ' they are subtle symptoms and many times parents 25 do not identify because they find that it is the skill of criana' ' , it affirms Cinara Zanin Perillo, psychiatrist specialist in infancy and adolescence. Ahead of this picture, it is difficult it family to be able to characterize a syndrome that is unaware of or that they know very little in its son, in way to as many contradictions, what requires, on the part of the professionals of the health, a intent and careful look in the hour to diagnosis this syndrome. However, today already one observes positive manifestations around the SA, mainly when this well is attended, as much for enabled professionals, how much of the family whom it looks to understand each time plus its son and the syndrome that it loads. The Syndrome of Asperger also became more known through films or drawings that portray this question, what it positively influenced the knowledge and information of the families in the whole world, as for example, ' ' Mary and Max a Diferente&#039 friendship; ' , animation that shows the problems of ' ' aspies' ' , as they are called, where in the fiction, Mary, of 8 years, a girl gordinha tapeworm, that deferred payment in Australia, becomes friend of Max, a man of 44 years, who has syndrome of Asperger and lives in New York. Both have difficulty to make friends and start to change correspondences where they share joys and disillusionments. The film ' ' Much beyond jardim' ' also it portraies problematic of the syndrome of Asperger and its difficulties. Notadamente we know that it is very important the medias to deal with subjects as the SA, therefore collaborate with the recognition of the difficulties, but also of the abilities and capacities that these people have.