Peruvian Law

form part of corporate law and commercial law, leaving evidence that a part of legal persons are studied and regulated by the right of the company or business law or business law and corporate law. The examples serve to have a complete idea of the subject matter of study, in this sense is a corporate amalgamation typical example the merger, while is a typical business deconcentration example excision, putting on record that within each of these there are various types and to be exact, there are two types or classes within each of these institutions. The first that appeared in the Peruvian law was fusion, while Division makes its appearance in the corporate legislation recently in the year 1997, when existing Peruvian from that year, approves the new general law on societies i.e. this law was approved late in the year indicated or referred, by which the corporate legislation has only 11 years of validityHowever, there are abundant studies, which even existed before the 1997 law indicated, therefore, in the Peruvian law divisions were carried out prior to the aforementioned law, which served to solve the existing legislative vacuum within the right positive corporate peruano, however already existed some registration and tax rules governing this topic. I.e., merger and Division are inverse legal figures between if and are almost synonymous with business concentration and deconcentration business.

In this sense corresponds to the right company or business or business right their treatment in a market increasingly more competitive by which if a lawyer does not know them it is clear that remain outdated and out of the market, in this order of ideas matters to corporate lawyers the study of these subjects, by which we will study them to have solid knowledge on the branches of the law indicated. 2. Convenience of business concentration business concentration only has to be carried out when will be suitable for the company or companies, in such a way that if it is not convenient for the same or same, it is recommended not to perform in this case the concentration.