Principle Responsibility

The socialism and the ecology partilham, therefore, of the qualitative, irreducible social values to the market. (p.72) This convergence alone is possible on condition that the marxists submit to a critical analysis its traditional conception of ' ' forces produtivas' ' – and of that the ecologists finish with the one illusion ' ' economy of mercado' ' impa. This double operation is the workmanship of a chain, the Ecossocialismo, that obtained to make the synthesis of the two processes. (p.72). On ethics ecossocialista, Lowy brings some hypotheses: Social ethics, based in the change of the economic structures and social commercial capitalists, in the establishment of a new paradigm of production and distribution a change that demands social actors and not only good will individuals. (p.73) Ethical igualitria The ecossocialista project aims at a planetary redistribution of the wealth, and a development in common of the resources, thanks to a new productive paradigm. It also implies in democratic ethics The democratization of the productive forces means that the great decisions on the production and the distribution are not taken by ' ' mercados' ' or for a Politburo, but for the proper society, one has after debated democratic and pluralista, where if different proposals and options oppose. (p.75) The Ecossocialismo is radical ethics It is necessary a radical change of paradigm, a new model of civilization, in summary, a revolutionary transformation she is necessary to question the proper structure of the production process. (p.76) How to imagine a solution true, that is, radical, for the problem of the ecological crisis, if to move, of the wine for the water, the current way of production and consumption, generator of clamorous inaqualities and catastrophic estragos? Contrarily what it seems to suggest Hans Jonas, it does not have contradiction between &#039 necessarily; ' Esperana&#039 principle; ' , as it formulates it to Bloch, and ' ' Responsabilidade&#039 principle; ' Without ' ' Principle Responsibility, the utopia alone can be destructive, and without ' ' Esperana&#039 principle; ' , the responsibility does not pass of a conformistical illusion.