Religion And Politics

JOSE Brechner was in Germany in the late nineteenth century reformist resurfaced assimilation that spread to America. Early supporters of assimilation were first-century Jewish Christians and the Jewish Hellenists. Reformers distort religion and adapt according to your tastes, weaknesses and ways, thinking smarter than some of the most lucid minds of history, which for three millennia of Jewish wisdom transmitted, respected by divines, philosophers and mystics of all times and trends. The Christian church is the product of Reform Jews who renounced their origins to build a thriving and powerful. The first three popes were Jews.

Recently circulated on the Internet, contradictory ideological positions from Argentina, in relation to Judaism and reformism, until someone came to the stupidity of saying that: “Two young Jews who are married with two young non-Jews, could establish two families Jewish. ” handled in harmony with his faith and the comfort of his parishioners. Gandhi from the devastating social sins mentioned: “The worship without sacrifice.” Conservatives, reformers do not understand that when you change a tradition, this remains a tradition. Bergman Plavnick as are followers of Marshall Meyer, a progressive New York rabbi, who gained notoriety during the Argentine military government, protecting the leftists and has the merit of having saved innocent lives. Meyer founded the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary, an institution escaza content but eager for money, looking to get quickly converts who converted to Judaism a “reasonable” amount.

The seminar leads students for rabbis to get some professional secular, so they do not starve after graduation trying to lead a congregation to which no one will come because they have nothing to offer spiritually. Some rabbis come to scholarship and holiness, something that never happened, not happen ever, with a conservative-reformist, because in his slight level of understanding of the scriptures there is no room for mysticism. Bergman’s style-the most visible figure of the reformist Argentine – is to focus the attention more than anything else. It looks like an ex-con Muslim rapper. The modern look serves to highlight within secular society, as did his mentor, the German Jews began their current ideological trends taking place, so the only way to identify them was seeing if they were circumcised. Later he was with the star on his arm. The Bergman case is unpublished. There are learned and observant Jews, with much broader knowledge and deeper than yours, who studied in real theological schools (yeshivot), were received from rabbis, but never used the title to gain popularity in an activity outside his office. If you want to do politics Bergman has every right to do so, but in a personal capacity, not as a rabbi, let alone as a representative of society Jewish.