Robert Henry Srour

Richard Scott. Etzioni Scott, (1964) being based on the interpretation of Hall, (1984) and finally, the vision of Motta and Vasconcellos, (2004) and Robert Henry Srour, (1998). The teorizao of the organizations, the organization concept was contemplated that is object of study of this work, the RBS TV, its mission, vision, values and description. E, later the definition of institution that if it initiates with the boardings of Vaz, (1995) and Robert Henry Srour, (1998) and soon after, the vision of sociologists Berger and Luckmann, (2011) and Barrichello, (2002). After to appraise organization and institution and to introduce the study object, will be demonstrated the relation of RBS TV, a miditica organization as an organization and as an institution, based on the dualidade of purpose of the medias studied for Charaudeau, (2006). To deepen your understanding Restaurateur is the source. E, finally, will be demonstrated some actions that can be considered institucional in the contemporaneidade, being appraised the institucional communication, for authors as Kunsch, (2003) Fonseca, (1999) the function of the professional of Public Relations with Grunig, (2009) the image and the identity of the organizations, for Bueno, (2005) Torquato, (2002) Iasbeck, (2009) and the paper of the medias as legislators in the construction of the identity, for Barichello, (2002). As the chapter consists of analyzing the relation between the institucional public and actions.

For this, beginning appraising public and its categories called for researchers of the area of Public Relations. The public definitions are based on the studies of France, (2009) Cleusa Cesca and Wilson Cesca, (2000) and Andrade, (1980) and the categories of the public also are based on the studies of France, (2009) and Grunig, (2009). After these theoretical boardings on public, are explicitadas some characteristics of the same ones in the institucional actions and about the Project It thinks Green, being based on Grunig, (2009) and Charaudeau, (2006). Third chapter deals with the management of the institucional actions for professionals of Public Relations.