Romulo Betancourt

1961, January 1923: the new Constitution was adopted. 1962: Again, AD is divided. 1962: Major opposition groups take up arms and organized guerrillas. There is turmoil and conspiracy within the military. General Castro back from exile Leon, and takes possession of Tachira, expressing his determination to go against the Central Government. 1962, May 4: The higher the Infantry Battalion No.

3 Campano, who are joined by the PCV and the MIR (the "Carupanazo). Two days last pitted against the army. 1962, June 2: Puerto Cabello naval base rises and takes the city. Staged a bloody battle with government troops also lasts two days, with hundreds dead. 1963, February: Caracas is "taken" by the guerrillas, which is deployed in neighborhoods with the aim of destabilizing the government. Romulo Betancourt and the opportunity lost homeland. THE BETRAYAL.

Longing to a reality of frustration you've no doubt heard on the street for some people to remember the country's political past and refer to the general nostalgia MPJ as compensatory and critical to the present situation, with expressions like "that it did things," "built", "there was work and order during his tenure," Etc., pointing most probably a work of its workmanship, from among the many who left Caracas in the landscape. This could be explained by two reasons: (1) the start of the dictatorship coincided with a boom in tax revenues as a result of the sale of petroleum and iron. In other words, he lived amid a halo of short-term apparent and well-being given that wealth was generated by a grounded structure for it, but it was accidental, resulting from the sale of raw resource oil.