Sell More

One afternoon, a retired Lord talk with his wife about what they could do now that their work activities have been concluded, because much like cooking they come to the conclusion that could sell tacos, so without planning a business system or anything like that put hands to work, they adapted the terrain they have vacatedput a grill to prepare meat to coal and iron to heat tortillas, prepare some good sauces and put a small sign announcing: tacos. Past a couple of weeks, customers were on the rise because their tacos, liked the people so that every day they had increasingly more visitors new to observe this the Lord decided to make a sign bigger, with showy lights of different colors and open by most time its small taqueria, excited by the response that had been achieved in such a short time. One day, unexpectedly visits them his son from another city, which surprised the hopes that her parents had on their business decided to speak with openness in this regard: today there is a crisis in the world, companies are closing down and people is running out of employment, is not a good time to sell tacos, told them, they should not invest so much money in a business with no future. The Lord saw defeated his optimism for the comments: my son is a professional and knows much more than I do business, he thought, so I’ll have to be more conservative with the way you are using my money. Thereafter, he removed the eye-catching lights, decreased the sign that had been used and observed that reason had his son, sales were decreasing day after day, until this man and his wife decided to return to his downtime at home and enjoy their retirement rather than continue dabbling in the complex world of business. Today daily hear words like crises, unemployment, economic problems, among others.