
Rice Force

The result is a product that is rich in amino acids and due to its low molecular weight structure, which can penetrate to the lower layers of the skin. The skin remains moist and will be renewed from the inside. Rice Power extract is proven to slow the aging process of the skin and restricted the formation of wrinkles. The cosmetics brand Rice Force products are due to its purely natural composition, as well as an economic product technology completely hypo-allergenic and suitable for sensitive skin with atopic eczema. Rice Force is the perfect combination of nature and technology – and this for all products of this brand of cosmetics.

The cosmetic products from Rice Force have just found their clientele and could assert itself very well in the Japanese market. Currently, the cosmetic products are used by over 1.5 million satisfied customers in Japan. Right after the introduction on the European market the cosmetics products as well as the special beauty treatments found great appeal. This unique cosmetic products at the Prague Wellnesszentrum Roosevelt were at the beginning of the year 2012 in the Czech Republic officially presented by the representatives of the Executive Board of the society of Japan, as well as the implemented for the EU, the society Komea, s.r.o.,. The Salon is partner of the cosmetics brand Rice Force as well as the first Wellness Center in Europe, from which this professional cosmetic treatment is offered exclusively. This festive evening in the Japanese style demonstrated the process of professional treatment, including the very effective original purification ritual.

Goat hair brush be used during this phase of cosmetic treatment, where the goats come from the Kumano region. There are many forests in the region of Kumano, which is located west of Tokyo, and there are the best conditions, being the softest goat hair here. The goat hair used for the brush part of the purification ritual at the beginning of the cosmetic treatment are long and soft.


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New And Exclusive For NICHE BEAUTY: The KARMA Collection By BARIELLE

GOOD KARMA – by the finger up to the FUssSPITZEN thanks BARIELLE-New York, NY (March 2011) bring the inner Yogi, Zen master and the center of the universe is now so easy as never! The new spring collection “KARMA” by BARIELLE is here. “KARMA” is made up of six exhilarating colors that will enlighten the spring and leave Zen footprints. One, two, three, CHI… and this collection combines perfection and serenity in one. Entering Nirvana is possible now without meditation: BUDDHA-FUL, a slightly iridescent Pearl cream with soft baby pink and light blue shades. Good luck from the bottle POWORED is located in SOUL-ER a dandelion yellow with delicate metallic accents.

Enlightenment is an opaque cream, vintageartigen Fuchsia nails now WELCOME ohm. NYC Mayors opinions are not widely known. Diving into the POSITIVE ZEN ERGY a warm green with silver shimmer. DO-UNTO-OTHERS a shining sea foam green brings the holiday on the nails. Last but not least, we believe with GOTTA HAVE FATE, a vibrant Tangerine nuance in fate. The unique formulation gives the nails a safe, healthy and long-lasting high gloss colour.

The “KARMA” – SHADES BY BARIELLE coatings contain no formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate and can safely be used during pregnancy. The nails with a safe, to bring healthy, durable and shiny shade, the varnish from the “KARMA” include collection of SHADES BY BARIELLE no formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate (Liquor). Women can safely use Barielle products during pregnancy. Main characteristic of the ingredients: free from formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate (lye) suggested retail price of the KARMA nuances (13.3 ml): 15 source: WWW.NICHEBEAUTY.DE niche beauty presents a silver tray with exclusive cosmetic products that have been brought so far mostly as a gift from abroad. In the hand-picked assortment, the trend brand Anthony logistics, Ole Henriksen, Philip B., Rosebud, located Youngblood mineral cosmetics, Ellis Faas and Barielle – brand new – with the KARMA collection. Niche beauty offers a harmonious mix of beauty niche brands for a selected clientele. For each product, there is extensive information on effectiveness, ingredients and application. The shop offers the small luxuries for the personal beauty boudoir and the private wellness area. Delivery throughout Europe – in Germany, the shipping is free. Be paid may by last name, credit card and debit. The online store is accessible at the Internet address. For more information, we are anytime available Sandra Obermaier PR & consulting