climate & environment

Fuel Oil Price Today

Heating oil prices fell on Friday for the first time since 5 days in LEIPZIG. (Ceto) As it did yesterday the crude oil prices in New York and London lost further ground. US light oil (WTI) compared with yesterday’s day finally was traded at $ 81.76 and what round it to 50 cents less, as well as North Sea oil (Brent) $81,02 in the afternoon (EDT) meant 70 cents of less. However, both types are about 50 cents more expensive than at the beginning of the week. Ultimately, hard economic data provided for the price reductions. The German industrial production weakens, pulled the trigger on the DAX, and worsened the mood of demand. The number of unemployed workers in the United States has not decreased compared to the previous month and 9.5 percent. At the same time, the number of employees with 131.000 declined more than expected.

Profit-taking before the weekend, also for fear of further bad news from the market, were also falling prices. Now the prices are below the 80-dollar mark could slip and is once again in the present for the season standard Move margin of 70 to 80 U.S. dollars. This talk even more facts such as the over-supplied market situation in the United States as well as the increased oil production of OPEC members and Russia. For heating oil consumers in Germany was good news, because for the first time for five days, the oil price fell. After collection of the journal fuel level and oil Rundschau, the 100 litre batch cost heating oil EL at a quantity of 3,000 litres 68,15 euro and damit11 cents less than yesterday. Compared with the beginning of the week that means but still an increase to 1.25. That reported the online portal of the journal fuel level and oil review on its website The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.

100 Climate-friendly Homes By Viebrockhaus

CO2OL and Viebrockhaus protect 50,000 square metres of rainforest in Panama since the beginning of the year Viebrockhaus customers can also actively contribute to the climate and environment protection with the construction of their home. Through a collaboration between the solid House manufacturer and the Bonn climate specialists of CO2OL, builders have the opportunity to set aside forests in Panama and left to their natural ecosystems. Already 100 builders have participated a total in the preservation of species-rich forest areas rainforest are protected and therefore already 50,000 square metres. Already 100 Viebrockhaus builders involved: the goal to get as many species-rich forest areas and the high prevailing biodiversity in Panama permanently and protect, the two partners CO2OL and Viebrockhaus could be a significant piece closer. Since the beginning of the year each client of an active participates in Energieplus House 2012 automatically protect each 500 square meters rainforest of Bocas del Toro in northeastern of Panama and provides at the same time a contribution to compensate for the CO2 emissions, which are incurred in the construction of his new home. He automatically takes over the sponsorship for a concrete area at the conclusion of the contract and receives a deed with all geographical coordinates of the respective piece of protected forest. This support will allow the preservation of the forest over a period of at least 50 more years.

The protection forest is also the soil and water conservation in addition to the CO2 capture and is important habitat for a wide variety of plant and animal species. The builders Franziska Knahl and Daniel Ursic from Wotersen can now even, their personal”protection forest to visit. The couple who won the Panama trip in the context of a Viebrockhaus raffle, travels to Bocas del Toro early next year, to be convinced by the biological diversity of the now protected rainforest. Among all customers who decide until the end of 2012 for an active Energieplus House, another trip will be raffled to Panama. Many Builders are now active climate protectors and place value on a sustainable home. We are very pleased that we could protect already 50,000 square metres of rainforest area in Panama for Viebrockhaus within such a short time “, said Julia Daniel, project manager at CO2OL.” See for information about CO2OL. CO2OL: CO2OL is brand and Division of the ForestFinance group for the neutralization of CO2 emissions through forestry projects.

CO2OL designed high-quality climate protection afforestation projects for a variety of companies and organizations for over 10 years. In addition, companies and private individuals by buying CO2 certificates can have whether mobility, consumption or energy consumption caused compensate for their individual CO2 emissions. For business customers from different industries CO2OL offers practice-oriented and individual consultation and solutions, as these their carbon footprint improve and so be able to meet their corporate social responsibility for the climate and environmental protection. For their CO2OL reforestation projects according to the CCB and in addition CarbonFix and FSC standard were certified diverse ecological and social functions. She developed methodology Institute for energy, ecology and Economics 2008 with the seal of CO2 inventory audit of CO2OL derivation of General ISO standards for determining the CO2 emission at events of the NADIA “validated. More information on and.