law & taxes

The Family Law Related Maintenance

The German legislature inform the Rechstanwalte Alexander Dobiasch & Rupert Richter determined that relatives have to support each other. The legal experts of the law firm Danielleeee & judges explain the legal basis and practical aspects of the related maintenance. The commitment to the maintenance of kinship arising from section 1601 BGB. He demanded only by such persons who are related to each other in a straight line, to provide support to each other. The obligation to pay maintenance is thus confined to directly from each other, relatives in the ascending or descending line. Grandmother, parents, children and grandchildren each other obliged might, for example, in the context of the section 1601 BGB to the maintenance, but not brothers and sisters among themselves or children and step-parents. Section 1602 BGB narrows the obligation on relatives who cannot stand alone can come up for their livelihood. Dependent relatives are protected by section 1603 BGB by it only to the extent may be obliged to maintain, that the Maintenance provides the appropriate deductible not in question, taking into account of their other duties.

The child support is a common form of relationship maintenance. He often plays a role, for example in connection with divorce. However, even children themselves often are obliged to support the parents, especially if they become reliant. The stationary accommodation in a care home costs every month of several thousand euros. The least care are capable of such high expenses over a long period of time from their pension, to bring long-term care insurance or own assets; Their financial resources are exhausted, the social services within the framework of social assistance for the stationary accommodation of persons in need comes up. To reduce its financial burden, the social welfare office is entitled to assert the claim of care on relationship maintenance against debtor relatives and will also try this in the all rule.