Investment capital does not lead to need to pay property developer interest or other payments and contributes to the formation of additional capital investment required to obtain a building permit. Thus, financial burden is shared by the most important early stages of master planning development. Development company pays a portion of their future income for providing the funding to date, so way, it's win-win situation for both investors and for developers. Many have heard the news stories about the unsuccessful investments in arable land in the hope of transfer of land to another category, which, of course, then no happened. As a result, investors are left with small plots of land, along with many others that can not be sold.
How can you avoid such situations? Very simple. Do not buy a protected ground, except cases, if you have inside information from local authorities about what is likely the transfer of such land in a different category. Do not buy the land, whose fate in regard to the building is unknown. Make that the company selling the land, its owner is that there are no encumbrances on the land, and get proof that the current classification of the land allows for the issuance of building permits, and development company working in good faith to receive it. Best place to buy landed property – in a city on the coast, in the agricultural parts of the country? In the case of land acquisition as You need to choose the investment area, which develops and demonstrates the strong economic performance, ie employment growth, economic growth etc.