research & technology

Egocentric Spinner Or Historical Visionary?

spectacular conference series in February with Dr. Sam Osmanagich Zug, Switzerland, January 2011 is occasion for the Conference series which has itself vigorously cheered ruling controversy between unconventional pyramid research and standard science, the Dr. Osmanagich with his revolutionary theses to an early historical culture in Bosnia for years. Referred to as unscrupulous grave robber or money-grabbing spinner”, shows the researchers quite great understanding for his critics, he now wants to convince with its impressive visuals. Flank protection receives Dr. Osmanagich by Dr. Davidovits, Ph.d. chemist and expert on ancient building materials, which helped the world champion driver Michael Schumacher with restored antique building materials in the car.

Chris Dunn, engineer and decades of expert on Egyptian pyramids representing the thesis that the pyramids in the Valley of the Kings originally as metaphysical power plant were built and were led to their intended as tombs of the Kings until much later. Most prominent in this historical revolutionary ranks is the international best-selling author Graham Hancock, which ensures with his theses to a prehistoric culture in present-day Antarctica and its millionfold sold publications for years equally big splash as Dr. Osmanagich itself. Never encountered four so scintillating personalities who differ but seriously, but nevertheless have in common their life’s work in breaking up encrusted structures of thought, a 4000-Member strong audience. For the first time succeeded in four ways of philosophy of fiction, pyramid research, to present science chemistry, archaeology and anthropology on a stage in a series of lectures.

The science is sitting in the audience, we have a high goal ahead of us. Those who want to join us, are welcome. Attempts to label us and attacking us don’t worry. That is our language of scientific reasoning “, so Dr. Osmanagich. Many renowned experts keep the pyramid-like Construction of the hills in the Visoko Valley simply for a freak of nature and accuse Dr.