
International Festival

The Chilean Minister of Dnsa, Andres Allamand, has confirmed it after intense search operations carried out since Friday occurred incident. Among the deceased, Felipe Camiroaga, one of the best-known entertainers of the Chilean television, and Felipe Cubillos, philanthropist, committed to the scene of the accident. The area was devastated by the tsunami that followed the earthquake of 2010. The Chilean Minister of Dnsa, Andres Allamand, announced that the 21 occupants of the military plane that crashed Friday in the Juan Fernandez archipelago have died. After the search in which we participate with the Commander in the air force (FACH, Jorge Rojas) j one arrives at the conclusion that the impact was of such magnitude that should produce the instant death of all persons who were on the plane, said Allamand, who remained throughout the day in the area of the accident. Among the occupants of the aircraft, a CASA C-212, were Felipe Camiroaga, one of the best-known animators of the television Chilean, and businessman and philanthropist Felipe Cubillos, brother-in-law of Minister Allamand. After the earthquake of February 2010, Cubillos prompted the challenge Levantemos Chile organization, to support reconstruction work and particularly concerned of Juan Fernandez, which was hard hit by the tsunami that followed the quake. Also traveling a team of State television network TVN, he worked Camiroaga, several members of the above-mentioned NGO, as well as the Council of culture officials and staff of the FACH.

Members of the NGO and the TVN team traveled to Robonson Crusoe Island, 670 kilometers from the Chilean coast, to check progress in the reconstruction work. Felipe Camiroaga, which encouraged the editions 2009 and 2010 of the International Festival of the song of Via of the sea, knew the island as a child and felt committed to assist locals in overcoming the disaster caused by the earthquake, recalled his friends today.

Occupy Wall Street

New and Allied Media joined in the cause of the movement Occupy Wall Street. After ten days camped in the heart of the financial district of New York, close to those of the thousand of members of New York 15-M (among the 200 who sleep there and those who join them during the day), watched Monday as their voices multiplied by the mouth of the intellectual and activist Noam Chomsky, who sent an open letter of support celebrating its honorable and courageous initiative, and by the inescapable speaker representing Michael Moore. The filmmaker, who has embarked on the intense promotion of his autobiography, visited activists in the afternoon in his headquarters, Zuccotti Park, (plaza de la Libertad to the allied to the movement). Received between surprise and joy, he gave them encouragement and declared them his admiration for having taken the initiative before the ravages that the banks have done with this country and asked that they do not despair because within 100 years the people will remember that you came to this place and empezasteis this movement. Source of the news:: New York 15-M enters phase media and find allies

Basic Exercises

One workout a week done strictly according to plan, another arbitrary, 3-4 approach with a weight of 60-70% of 1RM for 2-3 bars, or just with weight, to maintain body processes. With further increase in skill transition occurs even in one workout a week. Progress in this case is substantially slowed down, but, nevertheless, remains. Otherwise it is impossible, resulting in bodily injury. 6. Number of exercises per workout trenirovku.Prodiktovano time itself.

What can keep up with the remaining 20 minutes after the main exercise? Only 2-3 exercises 2-3 sets, including the press. That's it! In other words, it 9-10 approaches for 20 minutes at a brisk pace. The result – 4 exercises per workout (including the press) within the power cycle the maximum! 7. Number of approaches to argue uprazhnenii.Kak sports experts, the increase in workers' attitudes more than 4 there is no advantage (it is the amateur bench press). That is an increase, for example, approaches to the basic exercises to 6 will not give any advantages compared with 4 approaches. In addition, for the average amateur regime is fraught with fatigue. Conclusion: The focus on four core business approach to exercise! Warm-up, support and additional exercises do not count. For additional assistance exercises and is considered do a normal 2-3 working approach.

An exception is possible with the use of pharmaceuticals allowed to accelerate the recovery. But no more than 6 working approaches. 8. The number of repetitions in podhode.Razbeg opinion is not great, and is defined ramkah.Vse depends on the stage of preparation, ranging from 8 to 1. Of course, we mean the basic regimes exercise. In addition, the latest iteration of any approach should not be abandoned! NEVER! "Denial" is only allowed in the competition! If you're not going to compete, then never make penetrations to the limit! Use other methods to determine its limits.