

Problems of health: Some illnesses, as the measles or the meningite can be in the origin of a mental deficiency, over all if will not be taken all the necessary cares of health. Me the extreme nutrition or the exposition the poisons as mercury or the lead can also originate serious problems for the mental development of the children. None of these causes produces, by itself, an intellectual deficiency. However, they constitute risks, more serious some other little, that it agrees to prevent as much as possible. For example, an illness as the meningite does not provoke an intellectual delay forcibly; the extreme alcohol consumption during the pregnancy also not; however, they constitute serious too much risks so that not if it looks to all the cares of health necessary to fight the illness, or so that if it does not prevent the alcohol consumption during the pregnancy. The intellectual deficiency is not an illness. It cannot be contracted I infect from it with other people, nor the conviviality with a deficient intellectual provokes any damage in people who are not. The cognitivo delay is not an insanity (psychic suffering), as the depression, schizophrenia, for example.

Not being an illness, also it does not make sensible to look or to wait one cure for the intellectual deficiency. The great majority of the children with intellectual deficiency obtains to learn to make many useful things for its family, school, society and all they learn something for its utility and well-being of the community where they live. For this they need, in rule, of more time and supports to cheat success. The intellectual deficiency or cognitivo delay, as Pessotti (1982) is diagnosised, observing two things: The capacity of the brain of the person to learn, to think, to decide problems, to find a direction of the world, an intelligence of the world encircles that them (to this capacity calls cognitivo functioning or intellectual functioning).

Material Processing

The blue color for material of classroom P (Material common without retarding to the flame, that is, inflammable) and the red for material of type F (Material with retarding the flame, that is, fire resistant), as show table 2: Table 2. Characteristics demanded for the manufacture of the EPS in accordance with ANBR 11752 Properties Unid Methods Classroom P Classroom F Type of Material of assay – Mass specific MB1305 Kgm3 Resistance the Compression NBR8082 K Pa Resistance the Flexo Water absorption for immersion NBR 7973 G/cm2x100k ABNT figure 3 inside shows to the processes of the product and its improvements of the company in study. Arrived of raw material 1 stage of processing: 2 stage of the processing 3 stage of the processing 4 stage of the processing Figure 3. Processes of the manufacture of EPS 3,3 Systems of Distribution He is valid to remember that, the distribution of products can be direct or indirect. In the direct distribution the product arrives until the final consumer without the intermediate use.

In the indirect distribution the intermediate use exists. A dual distribution still exists, being a type of distribution that involves a channel type more than. The choice of a type of distribution in detriment to others goes to depend on the type of business, its market of performance, its suppliers, the profile of its customers, amongst others.

Iguau Estuary Users

PR Taiz Liberato Technology in Management of Nets Center of Superior Education of Estuary of the Iguau Estuary of Iguau – PR SUMMARY Service of support to the users for support and resolution of problems technician in computer science, telephony and technologies of information. This support can to be in such a way inside of company (professional that they inside take care of of the maintenance of equipment and installations of the company), how much external (rendering of services to the users. ABSTRACT Service you support users will be support and resolution of technical problems in dates, telephony and information technology. This support can be both inside company (professionals who care will be maintenance of equipment and facilities within the company), externally (you provide services you users. 1 INTRODUCTION the service of Help-Desk can in such a way be carried through personally, how much for telephone, email, frum and other ways> of communication. An example of related professions the Help Desk is the attendants of telemarketing, assistant of companies and employees of Lan House and Cyber Caffe that inside carry through diverse types of services of the sector, as the maintenance of the computers, services of management and attendance and direct aid to the customer among others.

The term most used for the professional of the area is ' ' To assist of Help Desk' ' With the evolution of the Help Desk, the Service Desk appeared. The Service Desk possesss abrangncia and bigger quality. The objective of the Service Desk is to provide to the users with YOU an Only Point with Contato (PUC) or Single Point or Contact (SPOC), vital for a communication accomplishes between the users and the teams of YOU. The main mission of the Service Desk is the reestablishment of the normal operation of the services of the users fastest possible, minimizing the impact in the businesses caused for imperfections of YOU.