
THE INSERTION OF THE TECHNOLOGIES OF THE COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION IN UNIVERSITY CLASSROOM: USE OF the CELLULAR one AS PEDAGOGICAL TOOL Maria Antonia Barros Freire Silva 1 SUMMARY: The moment technology is premessenger of changes in the effective sociocultural system, with gradual ramifications in the educational system, specific in superior education. This for its nature has as prerogative to contribute for the brainstorming to the problems caused for the great changes operated in the modern world, fulfilling its mission to educate, to form and to promote the inquiry. In this commitment the present article approaches on the quarrel necessity on the use of technology of the information as pedagogical tool. The thematic one of the use of the cellular one in classroom deserves raises epistemolgico. Much even so in the scope of this article, did not have research that it proves the acquisition of cellular. However, in rule, it does not have an academic that he does not possess such equipment. In general, the technologies of the communication, either instrumental, as cellular, either the virtual one, the example of the knowledge offered for the Internet, they informally adentram the school for the hands of the pupils and professors, before exactly of the pedagogical plans and projects, that for happiness hold the use of the technologies. With the trend of magnifying of the use and the armory of possibilities of these technologies, one becomes pressing to investigate and to reflect critically on these new medias in the pertaining to school environment.

This article still treats on cellular the prohibitive movement of the use of in room, detaching some states that had promulgated laws that restrain the use of the device. Where it weighs such prohibitions, the education institutions, cannot be stolen to the debate. It must yes, to take for itself the ethical responsibility of its use as allied to the process of education learning.