The Color

As this condition is fulfilled largely determines and shapes the image of the building and the city as a whole. By and large for only a simple layman, this condition is important. After all, none of the residents do not care for aluminum or steel profiles are mounted facing materials, no one sees and will never know. Here's how building looks from the outside, of course, see everything. There are several types of coating materials for ventilated facades – granite, aluminum composite (composite) panel metallokassety, different types of siding, asbestos, and fiber cement board with different types of coatings (dyed with a textured coating and natural rock dust).

The most striking in terms of color (and one of the most expensive) material is gres. Its surface gloss, and gives a glimpse of color looks very rich. Colours porcelain pretty broad. And the color of products of one manufacturer (in most cases, Chinese) different from the color products of other manufacturers. Typically, each factory producing granite has its own catalog of flowers. Aluminum composite panel and metallokassety (also not cheap materials) may be painted in variety of bright colors. Their color has a tinge of metal. Unified color palette for these materials does not exist. These 3 types of veneers ventilated facades are the most common and used in the cladding facades of both the administrative and residential buildings. Plate with a base of cement (asbestos and fiber cement) have several types of surfaces – dyed, textured and natural rock dust.