But how can that be, where even a change management plan was set up after the first problems have surfaced, and the parties involved in the project repeatedly was drummed up, it is also important? The recipe for successful change management? Does not exist. “” The words change “and management” to merge, a term is in itself not quite unproblematic. The term change management has closer look”much of an oxymoron and reflects more desire than reality. The change, which happens with a plan to meet that ensures the success of this is the hope and expectation that combine many managers with a change management initiative. It is readily accepted that there is a right way, can be planned in advance.
The one only point by point must implement, to get to the success. This seems obvious, because it is with the experiences of many others Covers fields of daily work. To be able to hold and it has somehow reassuring, to believe that the changes bring unpredictable and chaotic events, something concrete”. Following all the law of supply and demand, abound patent recipes accordingly. And if they fail which is mostly the case then is the easiest way to find the cause in the execution of the plan.
The perhaps decisive step for a successful design of processes of change is to reflect on a few basic things: 1 you can no meaningful answer type, if one doesn’t know the question therefore you can design also no plan for dealing with situations and problems which you don’t know. 2. it is in the nature of things that change processes raise new questions, and lead to situations that were previously unforeseeable. 3. people are conversion slow creatures. Because it is actually a strength to stick to tried and true. Change is only accepted or welcomed, If the insight into its meaning is given.