They are: the pride, the egoism, the fear, the anger and the sadness, only citing the negatives. depending on the behavior or feeling that we adopt during the life, this determines the psicopatologia that we present and the cure alone comes, when changes this ‘ ‘ our skill of ser’ ‘ , improving our character, we make ours ‘ ‘ The Reformation Intima’ ‘. We will speak of the main moral vices, therefore most difficult to be fought they are the egoism and the pride, but also we will speak in this chapter of the fear, of the anger and sadness. Egoism the egoism is the root of all males moral that they exist in the man, source of all its shunting lines and vices of behavior and root cause of its negative trends of all order. Glaser alleges that to be egoistic it is to scrumble itself in the individual, to think emsi more than what it thinks about the others, is these, of that relationships will be. The simplicity of definition of the egoism is so singela how much to the difficulty that intelligences human beings have to understand it. It is enough to look at exactly for itself in first place, to act above all in proper benefit, to come back the interests toward the epicenter of its ‘ ‘ eu’ ‘ everything will be guiding around egosmo.12 12 Glaser, pg 19, 1999 the egoism is the base of all the imperfections of the human being. It represents the elementary principle of all sentimental, emotional and psychological illness.
It is source of males that they hug the humanity. Of it drift all badly. Kardec, in question 917 of the Book of the Espritos inquires to the espritos: ‘ ‘ Which the way to come to ruin the egoism? ‘ ‘ – being answered that ‘ ‘ Of all the imperfections human beings, the egoism is most difficult of desenraizar itself because drift of the influence of the substance, influence of that the man, still very next to its origin, could not free – and for whose entertainment everything concurs: its laws, its social organization, its education.