1St Meeting Of The USP-D Community Of Practice Personnel Development In 2013

New year, new opportunities for the discussion and exchange of experience to PE starting USP-D community of practice personnel development, discussion and learning platform for HR management and personnel development, in the year 2013. “” “Last year the community of practice has become the subjects of culture of trust”, role of human resources development”and talent management” met and exchanged very engaged. This dialogue is continuing in January. “In the kick-off meeting will be the theme: PE-controlling about the effectiveness of HRD initiatives”. Business leaders increasingly seek documentation of the effectiveness and the (economic) benefits of measures such as leadership training staff development and staff management. The practice of controlling human resources development serves the quality assurance of staff development. The monitoring and control of the success of a personnel development measures or a program form the main pillar”of controlling. The examination of the economic and educational efficiency and Effectiveness of personnel development by means of indicators whose quality should make measurable and controllable.

The relevance and timeliness of the subject reflected in certification instruments such as the European quality management standard ISO 9001:2000. But how and with what success is personnel development controlling in practice implement? The USP-D community of practice personnel development invites to discussion and the exchange of experience. The start to the year will take place on January 15 in Dusseldorf, the participation of personnel development in the community of practice is free of charge.