“Michael Moore’s accurate documentary about the causes and effects of the global financial and economic crisis Hamburg – on April 8th published Concorde home entertainment Michael Moore documentary capitalism: A love story” on DVD. Explores with humor and indignation “capitalism: A love story” a taboo subject: what price pays America for its love of capitalism? Many years ago, this love seemed to be so innocent. But nowadays, the American dream resembles more a nightmare, in which families pay the price with their jobs, their homes and their savings. Michael Moore returns with “capitalism: A love story” back to the topic, which deals with it in his entire career and with which he started his career 20 years ago in “Roger and Me”: the disastrous consequences of the disastrous behavior by corporations on people’s lives. From the Midwest across to the halls of power in Washington to the world financial center in Manhattan Michael Moore takes the audience to the people whose Life has been completely turned on its head and searches for explanations not only in Washington, D.C.. What he finds are the all too familiar symptoms of a love story gone wrong: lies, abuse, fraud…
and 14,000 jobs, which are deleted every day. Background: Michael Moore’s usual snappy entertaining movie on DVD is available beginning in April. In the summer of 2009, he had his glittering world premiere at the International Film Festival in Venice and became the first documentary in the Festival’s history ever in the race to the Golden Lion. In addition to the 122-minute movie, the DVD includes also approximately ninety minutes of bonus material, in which the title subject to all interested parties on the matter in short statements is further illuminated. Among the Harvard Professor Elizabeth Warren deals “How Wall Street with murder is got away” with the question. Chris Hedges and Pulitzer Prize – winning reporter for the prestigious daily newspaper New York Times, is titled “capitalism: the killer” to Word.