English Language

Malta is not only in the summer a language: language travellers will appreciate pleasant temperatures between 10 C and 20 C, as well as the absence of crowds of tourists in the winter. The archipelago of Malta attracts year-round English learners who wish to combine the pleasant with the useful. Especially in the summer, Malta offers a vibrant atmosphere of young and young at heart who seek the sea and plenty of fun and entertainment. Not only thousands of tourists, to convince the good infrastructure with daily direct flights from Germany, Mediterranean climate and deep blue water each year but also executives, managers and professionals, that training undertake their business English in a pleasant environment. You have here the possibility to get especially of private lessons at favourable conditions. English Malta – city sights Languageschool education vacation English course not only thousands of tourists, but also a growing number of language traveler uses the numerous, often daily operating direct flights from Germany (E.g. by AirMalta or) AirBerlin) to get in only two to three hours after Malta.

Is local public transport is well developed on the main island and reasonably priced. However, Malta is visited by the least due to its transport. Rather, it is the azure-blue sea and the beach, which attract people. And the sports popular related, unless diving, surfing or canoeing now, just to name a few. Sporting activities, as well as a vibrant nightlife provide a varied compensation for intensive learning of the English language in Malta.

The millennia old and turbulent history of Malta provides gripping material for historical reading and left buildings of from different periods, which want to be visited. About 150 years ago, Malta was a British colony. The English language and also some English customs, such as driving on the left side, were introduced. Today Malta is independent and part of the European Union. In addition to English, also have Maltese is maintained as a second national language. Language courses Malta – beautiful landscape photographs of the One – can hear especially in summer – Mediterranean islands also also words on German. Sprachreisen Malta enjoy language travelers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland of great popularity. For optimum learning success, it is therefore even more important to choose a language school on Malta, which contains a small amount of English speaking students. The Malta School of proclass.com has German as less than 3% under its English learners. The modern school is located in a safe residential area. Only a stone’s throw away the University of Malta, and also you are homestays, apartments, sports facilities and public transport. The language range from General English with business English professional English such as medical or legal English. The high-quality language teaching takes place in small groups or as intensive private lessons. For more information, course details and bookings include the offers business language specialist at proclass.com.