Iguau Estuary Users

PR Taiz Liberato Technology in Management of Nets Center of Superior Education of Estuary of the Iguau Estuary of Iguau – PR SUMMARY Service of support to the users for support and resolution of problems technician in computer science, telephony and technologies of information. This support can to be in such a way inside of company (professional that they inside take care of of the maintenance of equipment and installations of the company), how much external (rendering of services to the users. ABSTRACT Service you support users will be support and resolution of technical problems in dates, telephony and information technology. This support can be both inside company (professionals who care will be maintenance of equipment and facilities within the company), externally (you provide services you users. 1 INTRODUCTION the service of Help-Desk can in such a way be carried through personally, how much for telephone, email, frum and other ways> of communication. An example of related professions the Help Desk is the attendants of telemarketing, assistant of companies and employees of Lan House and Cyber Caffe that inside carry through diverse types of services of the sector, as the maintenance of the computers, services of management and attendance and direct aid to the customer among others.

The term most used for the professional of the area is ' ' To assist of Help Desk' ' With the evolution of the Help Desk, the Service Desk appeared. The Service Desk possesss abrangncia and bigger quality. The objective of the Service Desk is to provide to the users with YOU an Only Point with Contato (PUC) or Single Point or Contact (SPOC), vital for a communication accomplishes between the users and the teams of YOU. The main mission of the Service Desk is the reestablishment of the normal operation of the services of the users fastest possible, minimizing the impact in the businesses caused for imperfections of YOU.