Ingrid Exposito

Carlos Mora Vanegas successful companies are characterized by high technology, where their production processes also be sheltered from management indices according to the capacities of the machines, the operability of the technical staff, according to modern knowledge, requiring dexterity in handling modern technology, and a proper motivation, thanks to a managerial style participative, reliable and fully identified with the human factor in all those topics that recognizes their effectiveness, productivity. Unfortunately in the Venezuelan case, many SMEs that lack modern technology, that have not been concerned to develop technology, but they buy it to countries that have developed according to their financial abilities, which can give way to offer products that meet the demand. About it writes Ingrid Exposito, which take into account that technology has brought as a consequence the barriers fall, especially economic and social, product that, by for example, digitization eliminated the distance, making only the economy and the market, so that competition knows no borders. But this has caused, similarly, economic instability and social crises. However, should recognize that the use of technology is essential in the creation of value, since it saves, first and foremost, the resource time, key to competitive advantage for the organization. Finally, we can identify this time running with name and surname: technological change.

As all the changes that occur in the area of technology are a source of uncertainty, with the aggravating circumstance that currently have an unusual, complex, and global speed but if the fears are due and you learn to deal with it, each development can be the starting point of many opportunities. Without forgetting that this speed and constant transformation requires companies to keep in permanent questioning of whether I am doing the right thing. It is significant to emphasize, before continuing, that evoked the knowledge era, is not result or consequence of computers and the processing of data, but what this triggered Internet, as most important business channel (called e-commerce) or professional development in general; as well as the emergence of new sectors such as biotechnology, bioinformatics, among others.