Consumers need deeper access into the bag 2011 consumer face again with many new features and changes in the law. Most have one thing in common: they diminish the purse strings. The Internet portal informs about the details. A first important change concerns the car tax. These will be charged in the future for new cars that meet the emission standards Euro 5 and Euro 6. Only exception: at initial registration of with Euro 6 diesel engine this year car, the owner will receive temporary until end of 2012 unique tax exemption in the amount of 150 euros. 2011 motorists can expect also an increase of car insurance. Also buying a plot of land, need to access deeper in the Pocket.
Instead of the previous 3.5 percent increased the real estate transfer tax in Brandenburg, Bremen, Lower Saxony, Germany and Saarland 2011 to four percent in Brandenburg are even five per cent. The increase in the electricity tax in 2011 will strike first and foremost on companies with high energy consumption to beech. Another innovation concerns the tax deduction card, the no longer will be sent by the municipal administration to the citizens. In the context of the preparations for the introduction of the electronic process of Elstam (“electronic payroll tax deduction features”), you must apply now at the competent tax office. The list of cost increases is so long, but there some tax relief. So, workroom can be more settle – up to 1250 euro per year in the year 2011 for the local office in tax. Condition this is, that there is no other work available for business or professional activity.” More information:… GmbH Lisa Neumann