Lean Construction Processes

Fraunhofer study identified potentials for a sustainable construction industry the construction industry faces serious challenges at the beginning of the 21st century. The rapid technological developments and the changing demands of building and architecture will lead to significant changes in all areas of the value chain in the planning and construction in the future. This development will affect also design and construction processes, which affect the entire building life cycle. To promote future research in this direction, Fraunhofer Italia has launched a broad-based survey in cooperation with the Fraunhofer IAO have participated so far, over 600 people involved in the construction. Over 30 percent are dissatisfied with their processes, and over three quarters of respondents assess the potential for energy savings through process optimisation in the double-digit percentage range.

Most of those surveyed in the late integration of stakeholders in the planning process see the main reason for the sometimes very inefficient process structures, followed by insufficient communication between the actors. In construction, especially the non-compliance of delivery or completion dates contributes to massive losses in the process efficiency. Around half of all respondents considers the necessary approach implementing lean process according to established principles of lean management. To implement this, needed but additional education and especially a corresponding qualification of the contributors in the construction project. The possibility to take part in the survey and to incorporate their own assessments and experiences is to mid-October. The participants of the survey upon request at the end of the year will receive a more detailed summary of the results. More information: Fraunhofer IAO Tobias Hug, Fraunhofer IAO