Mahatma Gandhi Road

The project will consist, in addition, of a series of equipment to give service to all the houses, as well as of ample green zones that will be united to an urban park also projected by ABIBOO Architecture in the same parcel, as it establishes the law of India. The project conjugates a series of independent blocks that articulate to each other in two areas defined by the presence of a tower and existing electrical line in the lot that becomes the shaping element of a great linear echo-park with innovating elements of alternative energy that finishes being the protagonist of the project. The houses are organized in independent blocks but with precise interconnections formed by towers that are narrowed, they extend, they break and they change to its configuration causing spaces of social interaction of different character that as well maintain relation with the multiple green spaces provided to create healthy and inhabitable surroundings. The independent blocks are pieces that are disturbed and fragmented, constructing to a game of lights and shades that allow to adapt the houses to the hard climatologic conditions of the place and let glimpse the complex inner world of the runners where the color has a strong presence. ABIBOO Architecture, realises with this project a process of domestic space exploration in India through a deep analysis of their culture and of the complex philosophies that are applied at the time of defining their houses (criteria that the Vastu marks, philosophy similar to the Feng Shui).

The houses projected after this added analytical exercise to the realised previous investigations on contemporary house, as well as in the long run accumulated experience in the western world in construction and the international experience that the study hoards, are main tools of design that give answer to the needs of their future inhabitants. ABIBOO Architecture offers innovating an architectonic design, that always has been present in its international architecture. Sandal from Diseo de Interiores and Mobiliario, happening through Architectonic Diseo of multitude of typologies, to the Urban design and of Landscape.