International artist shows his ‘guardians’ in Unna in the city lights await the illuminated West cemetery innovations impressive visitors from 13-29 September: first present Wolfgang Flammersfeld and Reinhard Hartleif of the F & H own light productions event company also works a further innovative artist. The last two years have shown: the West cemetery and place of cultures provide a varied backdrop for a large-area illumination of lights, projections, LEDs and light fibres. This time, about a dozen sculptures of the Austrian artist Manfred Kielnhofer complement the lighting. His guardians”are cast garments that appear to the observer as a monk-like Figure made of plastic. “” It is fascinating how expressive and mystic inspires these man-sized illuminated works of art work “, Wolfgang Flammersfeld by his Austrian new entrants”. The guardians were recently”in Venice at the Biennnale. Now they are embedded in the Illuminations at city lights in Unna’ to see that stage already for the third time in her hometown of Wolfgang Flammersfeld and Reinhard Hartleif. For this year, the two Unnaer lighting artist got the idea to integrate the city lights illumination in three areas.
Two worlds meet in the West cemetery”together: the part includes a mystical, mysterious staging with lit and almost eerily reminiscent projections. Of an area with colourful, cheerful light composition stands out clearly. Faris and Hartleif shows how perfectly they dominate the game with light and patterns, colors, shapes, and objects to create different moods. The place of cultures forms the third part and with light effects as a kind of Cosmos “scene. Also on Turrells Skyspace projections will be from the outside. The city lights ticket is valid on almost all days of the event (see below) at the same time as a ticket in the skyspace.