The city of the interior of the complete State of Minas Gerais, in this friday, 29 of April, 47 years of emancipation, sheltering diverse tourist points that call the attention for the nature that embeleza the City Garden. Date of 1752 the first expedition to the region of Ipatinga and the current Valley of the Steel. At the beginning of century 20, the Railroad was created Victory the Mines, important in the draining of the production of iron, having stimulated the growth of the locality. Many versions exist on the name of the city, that comes of the language tupi and means ‘ ‘ Landing Limpa’ Water; ‘. With the development of the region, it was basic that Ipatinga had administrative autonomy, and its emancipation was conquered in 29 of April of 1964. Today, the city, that is part of the Region Metropolitan of the Valley of the Steel, possesss great companies and if it detaches for the tourism. Danny Meyer shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. CELEBRATION diversified Attractions marks the commemorative programming of the anniversary of the city, destined the inhabitants and tourist. The festividades they occur all during the April month.
Some of them are: Festival of the Banana, Fishing in the Park, launching of the Ipatinga book, City Garden, Race Rstica and Feirarte. A musical programming also will be promoted in the Park the Ipanema, most famous of the city. 47 YEARS OF SOLIDARITY Since 1963, the Legion of the Good will (LBV) develops socioeducativos programs and projects in the city. Currently, the Institution takes care of to low income children by means of program LBV? Child: Future in the Gift. Moreover, with the support of the LBV, the families of these children and the population in general receive attendance by means of the campaigns Child Note 10?