Since 2001 and 2005, respectively, the Riester pension, and Rurup pension offer employees and the self-employed to provide the opportunity for their age. Both the Riester pension, as well as the Rurup pension are forms of private pensions, State-funded. Walter Riester and Bert Rurup were at the time the namesake or inventors”this kind of State-sponsored retirement provision. The Riester pension there is in this form since 2001, while the Rurup pension equivalent until 2005 also known as the base pension introduced was to the Group of people, due to certain conditions that he does not meet, also a way to give State-funded privately to provide for old age. Both types of pension guarantee a lifetime pension payment at the age. The savings amounts are not paid as one time capital. The Riester pension is suitable due to the allowances, which are paid for children living in the household, especially for young families, but also for a single person in the lower and middle wage and Content groups. To have a claim on the State allowances, the insured person must pay annually a certain contribution in a Riester pension contract.
Agreements in the form of Banksparplanen, by pension funds or unit-linked life insurance can be. All products must be certified. The particularity of this type of annuity is that the contributions paid and the State bonus guarantees must be paid from the insured person. The interest rate is comparatively low, because these forms of investment primarily aim at safety. The State allowances and the tax benefit can be just at long maturities, but achieve very good returns.
“Moreover, that Riester annuity contracts Hartz IV-safe” are and must not be exploited. Riester annuity contracts may be completed by anyone with pension and social insurance contributions, but not self-employed and freelancers. Even better-off and self-employed and freelancers the possibility to open to provide for old age with government funding, the Rurup or basic pension was introduced, which offers tax advantages. It is next to the self-employed and to recommend officials also elderly, for the Riester annuity contracts no longer profitable due to the short maturity. “Also contracts of the Rurup pension are Hartz IV” safely and also in case of insolvency of the self-employed, neither a believer nor the State on the saved a right of access. For both types of pensions, there are corresponding experts, whose advice you should get a prior to the conclusion of contracts, because certain statements not generalize. It must take into account always the personal situation of the person concerned. Oliver Ganesh corner channel plus Ltd.