Soccer Training

A allied evil is the ego in these cases so that it frightens the idea to us that they say of which is failing and that shame can with us so that it only brings about anguish to us to think that one is not going to be around the circumstances and this in the sport land occurs continuously. If we took like reference to the soccer players exists certain thoughts that we would call irrationals that accompany to them before a party and that they would have to replace by others more positives to avoid that sensation of failure. Before the party: Example To : a soccer player wants to realise a great party so that the trainer is satisfied with his yield, otherwise thinks that if its game has not been sufficiently good, it is not going to return to play of titling the next party. Thought +: the soccer player thinks about playing the party as well as possible and if they leave the things badly to him always will return to have another opportunity to return to play of titling and certainly the things will leave better to him. After the party: Example B .

the soccer player thinks that it must of have trained better before playing the party, thinks that it has made the ridiculous situation, is lamented of to have made an effort little in the training and culprit of the defeat of his equipment feels. Thought +: Voy to work more and better in the training to be to top in the next party, that it I can make far better and as much the victories as the defeats are a work of all the equipment. It stops to finish, I would like to say that it is very important when bad results take place or are committed errors that always judge the facts with coldness and that they are tried to eliminate absolutist terms and drastic that usually occur in the sport as expressions of this are a party to life or death or never we will return to have another opportunity, that only serves to add to a dose of extra pressure that does not benefit in anything.