
Genichi Taguchi

Very difficult to ignore the representation of the Japanese with regard to management, quality management, since it has very relevant gurus in quality, which can not be passed by altos, so their contributions, legacies on this topic have fostered. Such is the case of Genichi Taguchi, that as reminds us. Ivan Escalon was born in Japan in 1924, graduated at the technical school of the Kiryu University, and later received his doctorate in the Kyushu University in 1962. He worked at the Astronomical Department of the Navigation Institute of the then Japanese Empire; later works in the Ministry of public health and the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. However, his main professional stage has been inside of the Electrical Communication Laboratory (ECL) of the Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Co. (1948-1961) where was focused on the improvement of productivity in research and development. Subsequent to this, is the Aoyama Gaukin University of Tokyo Professor and consultant for companies so important as Toyota Motors and Fuji Films.He was a member of the Japan Association for Quality Control, the Japan Association for Industrial Engineering, the Japan Association for Applied Statistics and the Central Japan Quality Control Association.trabajo in the Astronomical Department of the Navigation Institute of the then Japanese Empire; later works in the Ministry of public health (here led the first national survey on health and nutrition) and the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.

However, his main professional stage has been inside of the Electrical Communication Laboratory (ECL) of the Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Co. (1948-1961) where was focused on the improvement of productivity in research and development. His publications include Taguchi Quality Engineering Handbookpor Taguchi, Genichi; s Chowdhury, upload; Wu, Yuin Robust Engineering: Learn How to Boost Quality While Reducing Costs & Time to Marketpor Genichi Taguchi Taguchi Methods Orthogonal Arrays and Linear Graphs: Tools for Quality Engineeringpor g. Taguchi, S.