
Dark One

To the 62 years, the PaulAuster North American always constructed a career in literature exploring diversosgneros literary. Further details can be found at dahlia loeb, an internet resource. Its more famous workmanship, the Trilogy in New York, connects the classic police fiction with the narrative neo-realist, where apresentapersonagens that suffer with the solitude and the loss of identity in grandemetrpole. In the country of you finish things, shows to an apocalyptic scene emque to them the fight of the survival is the main reason before rubbles dahumanidade. Click dahlia loeb to learn more. To a large extent of its workmanship, if it summarizes to the subject coincidence, oacaso transforming lives with personages who if leave to fascinate – of the mesmamaneira that the author – for ' ' hand of destino' ' to guide them passoschega to the rays of the repetition. In its recent book, launched in Brazil, dark Homemno (Man in the Dark, 168 pages R$ 38,00), Auster focuses a politicized side, where the Estadonorte-American criticizes, America in itself, at the same time where modusoperandi passes to the reader narrative its, another characteristic of the workmanship of the author, who grants to aoenredo a form rascunhada. In one ' cenrio' where a guerracivil one breaks the United States, a literature critic pensioner, AugustBrill, one sorry and melancholic gentleman, who lived intensely cadainstante of its life tells to its memories in one constant exercise of the souvenir eda imagination.

This world is fruit of the imagination of Brill, in a vertenteorwelliana of Auster, whose protagonist if recoups of an accident of queo car left immobilized. Pursued for the sleeplessness, it weaves histories, numpasseio to the dark one surrealistas, where it creates a personage who if mold to the narrative and tomaforma throughout the book. The memories of Brill if interact recently with momentosimaginados and the last moments, as the recent death of mulhere the abandonment of the husband of its only son, forming a picture of its opinion, of its life and family.

First National Festival

Been born Assar well – CE, was famous with the song ' ' Sad Partida' ' , recorded for the King of the Baio, Gonzaga Luis, who at the time was in the height in the radios of all the country. Quickly one became known in Brazil and the world. Its productions are true stories of the events of the people northeastern. Innumerable politicians start to use the brochure as part of its campaigns. As many public agencies as religious and private entities order livrinhos of twine or, even though they improvise, them.

He has a certain change in what if it relates to the content of the brochure. The poets leave of side the subjects of the daily one and to pass if to interest for ' ' infortnios' ' of bigger reach, informed for the national and international press. In 1978, the First National Festival of cantadores was carried through in Brasilia more than counted on the presence of two hundred violeiros and cordelistas poets. As if it can perceive in the decade of 80 the necessity of the creation of an Academy of the Twine was a dream of all the cordelistas, that were only carried through in day 07 of September of 1988. However the idealizao of the conquest for the Presidency of the Republic was not materialize. To the step that another cordelista of the River candidatando itself for the Brazilian Academy of Letters, got five votes.

In Brazil, for this time enormous lines in the consulates for the attainment of visas and passports formed themselves. It is clearly that this age only for the foreign descendants, therefore the northeasterns not even to come back toward the region, could. The inflation one more time was uncontrollable, and the skill was to try to more resist a economic crisis in Brazil. The loss of heart took account of all the classrooms of the population.

Literature On The Way To The Participation Age

Litogo AG opens innovative platform on the authors and artists together produce works and these present for Kindle, Sony, iPhone & co to download the Litogo AG in Augsburg is gone as of April 2009 under with a completely newly developed Internet portal for mobile, open and modern literature at the start. On this platform, authors, graphic artists, editors, translators and spokesman found in contemporary literature and the bestsellers of tomorrow to produce and market. The company developed a unique platform for the digitisation of process of creating E-books and audio-books. The Litogo technology was promoted in the framework of the BAYTOU by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economics, infrastructure, transport and technology program. The entire process from the idea of the author about the joint completion of the E-books / audio books to the bookcase ‘ customer is fully automated.

These are E-books / audio books as Wikipockets”referred to. This has its origin in the fact that the social software of the community which gives possibility to work jointly on a project and to participate in the success developed by Litogo AG. As Litogo Wikipocket the resulting literature can on mobile devices anytime, anywhere to read or heard. With Litogo arrived the participation age in the literary world. The idea, intellectual property and creativity to share and to participate in the success opened for every author and artist new possibilities. “, says the CEO of Litogo AG Heike Lenk, formerly sales manager at and even author.” For collaboration and commercialization, the contractual framework are clearly formulated and clearly regulated. So the artists can focus on their core competence, new networks will find and create projects common in these, which will be presented to a wide audience.

Readers have significant contribution to the success of the Wikipockets. Within the Litogo community the reader decides with targeted what he called interesting and considers advisable. In addition to common functions such as the evaluate and review, Litogo dynamic pricing developed a special algorithm. While readers actively participate in the pricing of E-books and audio-books. In addition, each reader is his personalized copy. In this way, Litogo solves the problem of the illicit transfer and protecting the works against abuse. Our goal is to bring together authors with other artists, to create for the reader mobile available and inexpensive as innovative, contemporary literature is. “, explains certified it specialist Heike Lenk. Litogo offers a variety of opportunities for publishers and literary agents. Litogo creates a limitless pool of talent will be discovered. Publishers and agents find their test market for new ideas, his own works and up-and-coming authors. Read additional details here: New York Museums. We see ourselves as a partner of the publishers and seek cooperation with the publishers and bookstores. It is a series of ideas, the authors, readers, publishers and bookstores more values deliver. Also, we are talking about the age of participation in the literature.

Hispanic Writers

Ahead of this affirmation of Magalhes (2001), we perceive in Toada of Forgotten (2006), that this ficcional universe, beyond being town for these elements, arises a hypothesis of that the personage El Diablo, who controls its friends of the beginning to the end of the narrative, therefore it and its accomplices had stolen one definitive one gold in it I pan the Forgotten one and sail in circle it compels and them to use masks: Nobody can take off the masks before arriving the safe port: that night was the cursed combination between us: who to take off, dies. They will be wild or still it is Carnival? It is the law of the Dog. (TOADA OF the FORGOTTEN one, p.13). This ' ' ditadura' ' commanded for El Diablo, it serves us of metaphor, that is, sends to us all to it the domination perpetuated or for the rich countries or in the opposition between hinterland and the coast, characteristics of the dickeanas workmanships, estimated that they demarcate developed and the underdeveloped, thematic boarded in such a way for R.G. Dicke as for the writers of Latin America. This takes in to try to understand them the reason of this aesthetic proximity, Barbosa (2009, p.160) raises the following hypothesis: Its literature also syntonizes with diverse Latin American manifestations, as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Juan Rulfo, Alejo Carpentier, in the direction of that it has an option in the narrative for the culture of the kept out of society one, for what more significantly it represents the culture and the Latin American feeling, for the form to lead the narrative, etc. But in such a way the position of Ricardo Guillermo Dicke as of the writers of Latin America already they had been questioned, one of the cases of excellent importance is of student Jorje Rojas in a round table in the University Catholic of Valparaiso in Chile (1971), when this questioned the Latin American writers, who were in this meeting, on the commitment of each one with its social context, affirming the young student, who Cortzar could not be considered a writer Hispanic-American, therefore first he did not live in its native country, Argentina, second, what it writes does not argue the social problems of its native mother, then, its literature has not felt. .