
Don Quixote

We are already starting to see the beginning of a new battle for the use of the free culture in the network. Do you think?. Should it not be the most sensible thing that culture was within reach of the majority of the people? Do as it can be prohibited providing culture to my friend? It is contradictory. Only some media, entities or companies with large economic interests may be interested in you may just hear music who can pay for it or that the best books are only available to who can afford them. Electronic book reader already begins to be widely used to read books and in some media hears that it already begins to be one of the favorite methods of reading. This joins the incredible success of the Apple iPad which can perfectly be used as digital book reader.

Is possible that within very little return to hear talk of pirates. But this time the pirates are those who lend a book to a friend. The difference is that rather than lend it to you on paper presto it you in digital format. That’s what makes me pirate. Doesn’t it seem absurd this situation? And this situation certainly being to give in brief because the iPad has been sold and is still selling by the thousands but millions of units. And it’s a very valid option to use it as reader of ebooks.

When it reaches an amount of enough iPads, the exchange of e-books to read with it, will become the new workhorse of the defenders of the indefensible. The dimensions of the iPad are somewhat higher than some of the best-known readers of electronic books. However they will not be an impediment for reading lovers begin to use it to read your favorite ebooks. Now there already many imitators of this tablet offering devices similar to very low prices. This does nothing but increase the chances of anyone who wants to buy one of these devices. The culture must change its distribution strategy to make it profitable. Or perhaps we must find another way to profitability. What won’t be possible is to go against what the market is demanding. And what demand is free culture to the end user. Soon will receive you to audiobooks the turn. They ilegalizaran read books to burn them. Or can they even ilegalicen read aloud. Dahlia loeb: the source for more info. The reading of Don Quixote every year is over.

China Daily

China has blocked permanently portals, as the television State British BBC or those of organizations very critical with the violations of human rights in the country, as well as the popular electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia, which now only censorship in entries considered more sensitive. In addition, it has temporarily blocked search engines such as Google or Yahoo, as well as numerous pages with ideas contrary to Beijing. In the black market of China is everything, how to buy a Chinese child in the black market that cost $6,000; a girl, 500 this has been as scandalous, the Chinese Government has rescued 60 children in an operation against trafficking in children, a more common practice than this country would like to. Between 30,000 and 60,000 disappearances of children reported annually in China. However, it is difficult estimate the actual amount of minors that move these networks, since in many cases abductions are not reported or are even parents who sold their children., that some children have been returned to their families, but most still have not been able to be identified and it is estimated that some 100,000 live in shelters and orphanages. The limitation of resources and the high price of the DNA tests, the cost of which varies by provinces and that, for example, in Beijing costs 2400 RMB (240 euros), is in many cases delaying the return home of these children. For more specific information, check out dahlia loeb. This is the first time that the Ministry of public security provides public information on children found, photos, date in which were rescued and contact details of the police, with the aim that are recognized by parents and facilitate the return to their families. Even if I can not recognize my child in photos, this initiative is a blessing for all the parents who, like us, had virtually lost all hope declares a mother who in 1999 lost her five year old son to the China Daily newspaper.


Perhaps you were taught to die, or you killed once, but art thou who decides to follow were killing. If it was me who provoked your death long ago, I felt it and I’m sorry, but art thou who continues committing, albeit perhaps on my behalf, nothing have I to do with it already. Water of life beats and just let it run inside your veins, incorporate it into your blood, thank her, sipping it, savour it, share it learn how to reproduce them share it again. Only they can with you, if you end up paying, if they shoot out and kill you inside shouting singing and singing and life has triggered me countless times, always has been a hand, a kiss, a caress, a look, a breath, a soft whooshing in my face that close me eyes and I lift, I recover, has sometimes come even from myself, as now, tonight where I celebration with old wine in a space full of me and nothing more, filled with the sound of the keys, and my most perfect musical background is red and waning Moon that hangs on my, I already told him that We are long time living alone, she and I, that I invite her, although which detached and light cat as well as comes goes, I just stop being me with me that Jack, stop looking at me only once a month, look at me daily, look into my eyes in the mirror, Abrazame, recognize myself these days, like tonight in which ends a day exhausting but full of achievementsfull of life, ending cycles of daily effort, love given, of beautiful creativity, give smiles, perceive needs of my work. Does this evening accompanied me alone and not to mourn, but to ask me what strikes me dinner?, what movie I want to rent? to smile with complicity by knowing me, promise me recognition and a place in myself. And although my heart is cracked, now I learn, a little, to savor it as what it is, I already learn to embrace my regrets, my ghosts, my sighs, my memories my nostalgia I learn and prize, I am at the table with them, accepting everything what they want to give me. I am lucho respite I AM. V. original author and source of the article.

American The New York Times

In this regard recalls that several international media, including the American The New York Times, have paid attention to the intentions of Endesa and Colbun, as in April 2008 when it published an editorial expressing that dams would irretrievably damage one of the most wild and beautiful land and adding that most of the electricity generated would not go to residential use, but to mining and industry. And although medium realized that the country needs desperately new energy sources their vision is the alternative would not destroy these basins, arguing that the construction of large hydroelectric dams is an ancient form of obtaining power and concluding that the Government – to these heights of Sebastian Pinera – would do well to reconsider these shortsighted plans, as well as the international owners of the rights of water from these rivers. Consequently the Centre for human rights of the University Diego Portales expressed that the presentation of these cases puts on the table aspects of participation that the existing institutional framework has not been capable of dealing in appropriate terms. The evidence indicates that the use of incentives during evaluation processes, as well as citizen participation organized and globalized in the same context, constitute facts that authority should not overlook the fact to designing plans, programs and environmental regulations, since one way or another they have an impact on the quality of decision-making processes and final decisions. Original author and source of the article.


Biolcati: Lamentable speech. The speech of the leader of the Rural society has been regrettable. He began by saying that a hundred years later, we are still working with the same passion and fell short because the middle ages term for more than five hundred. He added that nobody can say that we’ve stayed quiet or silent we did hear the voice of the field, and is true, unless the owners of the field have said enough, those who have not spoken are those who work in the field, as they have never done so. But Volcati forgets that he can talk because we are in a Republic, in a democracy, and although the sector it represents had the luck of being able to talk while he ruled Videla or his successors, others could do it.

Some remained silent, others were, but many were killed against the indifference of those who are now raised as Republicans and fill the mouth saying that the link table is a symbol of resistance, of that resistance, as can be seen that that man does not know what is resistance. He argues that no differences there are with its allies, that opinion is one single, unanimous and resounding said, when reality, as we all know is different. It is certain his opinion about that we are a country beaten by corruption and poverty, but is no less true, to come up here many collaborated, and the minority that he represents, has been no exception. Then I add a phrase so made, how old and boring, to qualify to the Argentina as a nation immensely rich but full of poor, but as spokesman for a powerful sector does not offer even a single idea, only adds that lack meat and that the last year there was a bad harvest because of the policy. Do it cannot be denied that in 1910 our country occupied eighth place in the concert of Nations, but that cost? The Argentina of the centenary was only thirty years real.

As Buy In Internet More Safely

Buy online (via Internet) offers convenience to search for and purchase services and products, in addition to the price that is usually cheaper, but there is much fear to make purchases over the Internet, either by ignorance or fear to be a victim of a fraud. Some recommendations for which your purchase online is safer: to start your computer must have installed and updated the antivirus, if it also has an anti-spyware and a firewall (programs to protect themselves from intruders) (to protect programs spies) much better. From time to time delete temporary internet files. It is advisable not to use places like public booths, because your private information can be stored. Investigate the company, which must have domicile, telephone, names of managers of the company, where you can be contacted to request additional information and to verify whether this company is really active and responds quickly to your queries or e-mail can get their claims. Otherwise, it is better to look for another option. You can consult with people they have already made satisfactory Internet purchases and recommend a trusted company. You can use Web sites specializing in the price comparison.

You should investigate thoroughly the product, price, features, stock, delivery time, cost of shipping, guarantee, returns & claims management. Never make purchases to companies that send e-mail spam (junk mail, mail unsolicited), nor much less by clicking on the link that comes in the mail, since this can point to a false address. You must enter the address of the company in your browser. Always read the terms and conditions of the Web site, as well as the handling of private information that you provide. This information is usually found at the bottom of the page. At the time of entering personal data and financial information as your number of credit card, check pin, expiration date, this page should be one page secure, which has the following characteristics: the address that appears in the browser It changes from to.

A locked padlock appears in the bottom right of your browser. Never send personal or financial information by e-mail. Always check the status of your card account, see that payments match purchases and purchases traditionally performed like store all kinds of proof already is an email with the details of the purchase, print the vouchers that appear after the purchase or capture the screens. Some pages give you the ability to track the status of your order. Check shipping time, it exceeded communicate with the company. As end point will comment them that I’ve had many experiences of online shopping in stores in Japan, United States, Spain and Peru, all satisfactory with the exception of one, the error was not to verify the response time of this company, I have contacted before purchase would have proven that they kept not updated the information on your page and that no answer quickly my communications. Then do not forget to take into account these recommendations to do their shopping on the internet. Mr. Yuri Suarez Nakasone. Phone: 817-568-8191 design Web, hosting of Web Sites and computer repair far more. Original author and source of the article.

Pablo City Fernando

1. Juru Ka'aguy: is the entrance to Mt. Literally, Juru's mouth, but the meaning here refers to entry or access. This community lies between Isla and Karaguatay Puku in the department of Cordillera. 2. Rory Ka'aguy: whose translation would be "forest gay friendly." Is the name of a neighborhood Asuncion, located between the current quarter and the border Pablo City Fernando de la Mora at this point I want to mention another case of reverse construction, ie, when the word becomes Ka'aguy second term, and that happens, for example, in March.

Ka'aguy Marin, a community Luquenos. Upon this Construction also changes the meaning, since the translation (Marin Ka'aguy) is "the Mount of Marin or the Marin." 2.4. Place names with "Ykua" we can say about the word ykua means fountain or spring water. Both populations as Paraguayan Guarani, including current living within, and customarily used to live near a watercourse, in this case, about a spring that used for drinking, washing, washing clothes and other belongings. Over time, some were in charge of putting a curb, made of brick or stone.

Drinking water was carried in the hy'a (gourds) or in the kambuchi (pitchers). Below are some examples with the word ykua. 1. Ykua karanda'y: karanda'y name comes from that plant that abounded in the place. Karanda'y Ykua Luque is a company in the Central Department. 2. Last Ykua: in this case the name refers to the surname of the family whose property was the ykua. It is also a community Luquenos.

Latin American

Meanwhile, others began to think in a reciprocating motion. The representation can be taken from input as the impossibility of the exercise of direct democracy. In its origins it raised as a way to make rulers to exercise power with Apocalypsis acceptance of their constituencies. These ruling elites or representative were degenerating into castes opposite to the original spirit. We could accept that such evolution was relative to a system that was carrying the germ of reduction of democracy itself. However, it was considered the best way to manage the complex societies of the industrial era. These messengers called representatives, as its name indicated, represent a fiction to something that is not present.

At birth the concept and practice of representation society doesn’t govern itself but he happens to be receiving in the policies and decisions made by representatives, although they are submitted to referendum or plebiscite in accordance with the forms collected to mitigate the paradox of the representativeness. As stated in Bernard Manin (Principes du governement representatif, Calmann-Levy, Paris, 1995.), one of the greatest scholars of the subject, that representation can take three forms: parliamentarism, democracy parties and democracy of audience. In the first case, they can be called Trustees. In the second, which is the Venezuelan case and practically all the Latin American countries, will vote for one party rather than a person. These deputies or senators are delegates of their matches generally exerted on them that detestable practice called partisan discipline. The third, that is, the so-called political science audience democracy, are which are put at the service of the candidates and parties whose choice will depend on your own personality and ability to interpret their constituents. In any case referred to is maintained an independence of the representatives on the criteria of those represented. Thus the first serious failure occurs: the mediocrity of the representatives the most often mentioned for such a position by their subordination and obedience to the various factors that allow you to be elected. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Bill de Blasio.

The second serious failure comes from the disinterest of the voters on the subject of a who choose, most negotiated with the powerful media prescriptive; on this particular case Venezuelan history shows the assignment of seats to journalistic strings in exchange for support, in what was one of the key points of the decline of democracy. Thirdly, despite allowing the existence of the so-called groups of electors it is clear that there is in fact a partisan monopoly on the nomination of candidates. Finally, the lack of ethics and proper moral behavior. But Manin, to review the proposed institutions in the 17TH and 18th centuries is a remarkable continuity with what today we call representative democracy, which leads him to remember a crucial significance: this regime which have been representative democracies was not designed in any way by its creators as a form of democracy. On the other hand, in the briefs its founders is a sharp contrast between democracy and the regime instituted by them, regime that called representative Government or even Republic and appointment to Madison arguing that the role of the representatives is not love at all times what the people want. The representation opens the possibility of a separation between the willingness (or decision) public and the popular will. Manin: Both for Sieyes as Madison, representative Government is not a form of democracy, is a form of Government essentially different.

Santa Lucia Beach

After having enjoyed the benefits of the Santa Lucia Beach, we recommend you continue eastward. There is a city that we recommend you visit Las Tunas, the provincial capital of the same name, founded in 1796. The distance between Saint Lucia and Las Tunas is approximately 87 km. except some small heights isolated and low height, the province is virtually flat. The village has a population of 527 891 inhabitants. During the journey, if you want to visit a small harbour on the North Coast, you can take a detour and go to the Manatee, taking care not to confuse the town of Manati with the port of the same name. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Bill de Blasio and gain more knowledge..

During the journey you can buy fruit. Remember to consult your map. That port is small and situated at the mouth of the Bay of the same name. Here you can visit the House of Barbarito Diez, called the Golden voice of the Danzon by being the best singer in Cuba danzon. Here the Music Festival in his honor is celebrated. The Danzon is one of traditional Cuban music rhythms and often danced in the past. If you have chance, we recommend to hear at least one piece.

There are no hotels in Manatee. The Bay is type bag, or close in its outlet to the sea and wide inside. The road that leads to the port is bordered in its western part, providing a beautiful view of the same. The initial distance calculated should add you 40 km of roundtrip if you visit the aforementioned port. Return to the main road, you can visit camping Caisimu Hill, a few kilometres from the road that leads to Las Tunas. It is a charming place where you can rest and a snack before continuing their journey. In it you can visit the issue of Caisimu, where is the Virgen de la Caridad de el Cobre, patroness of Cuba.

Whole Being

When our life is in harmony then we are ready to make great changes of life, it is necessary that our whole being is oriented with our desires, that will allow us to achieve the appropriate level of energy so that the goals become a reality. You should use all their senses in their desire to address, it is necessary to speak, hear, feel, think and observe to achieve a wonderful synergy that allows a high degree of motivation and that will become magnificent actions that will lead to great results. I’m happy, I’m RICO ANDREW CORENTT book you will discover great secrets that will allow you to open your mind to the abundance and discover the great power that is inside, to make use of its true powers then a life of success in all areas of your life will come. An important starting point for our goal to become irresistible is having a desire to huge to achieve that goal we are defining, that desire has to be translated into actions, thoughts and feelings associated with the realization of the goal as Andrew Corentt mentions it in his book the secret of the power of goals.In this book you will learn the appropriate ways of solving internal conflicts that prevent you from achieving your objectives, you will then act as if on autopilot. The care Act refers that in what we focus with great energy will grow in our life, why is important to focus attention on our result, think day and night in our changing, constantly see events, activities, people and circumstances associated with our goal, read and think continually of this great purpose that we have setthat way we deploy a huge energy, capable of unimaginable efforts because our idea will be etched in our subconscious mind. We must know that the greatness of a goal is a personal decision, all persons have different goals and importance lies in our belief about what is vital, important and necessary in our lives, if you have a goal of lose weight for example, you should read everything relevant to the favourable conditions of having a balanced body, see programs of aerobics and different sports activities, view and read testimonies of favorable changes in life who managed people who met and maintained his goal.