Tourist Destination

Tourist destination is the locality or region that the tourist chose to use to advantage its vacations. It is the place where also entrepreneurs close businesses, they participate of fairs or seminaries. To make possible a destination it is necessary to know all well the elements that compose the tourist structure that will be used in the attendance to the tourists and visitors, serving themselves for this of the inventory, which consists of the survey and registers of data on attractive, lodging and feeding, transports, entertainment or tourist animation, basic structure and of support. But it is not enough to have good attractive, diversity of lodging, diverse options of transport and entertainment, or excellent services of support as electric energy and communications so that if has a tourist destination with positive results, if the community will not be participativa and will be sensetized for the benefits that the tourist activity will provide for the locality. The population must be engaged in participating of the quarrels and decisions that involve the tourism, therefore they will be new options of job, increment in the existing businesses already, improvement in the services, etc.